Tell the Truth. Say it out Loud. This is the Path out of Hiding

Unraveling old mindsets, trauma and learning how to ‘forward’ requires bravery and must be done on purpose. This is a process best done in good company over coffee.

sallie mosely

spiritual life coach

What is a spiritual life coach? “Coaching” has become what I grew up understanding a pastor or mentor to be; someone you can talk to when things are hard, to put life in perspective, to ask a tough question, or help you walk into new territory. Sometimes we know what we need, but usually all we know is that we need something to change. You don’t have to do it alone.


Through a glass dimly – that is exactly how it feels to be on the planet trying to make sense of – well, pretty much anything. My blog walks through the last decade-ish, from bored ponderings to the deep dive of grief and exploration of faith, loss, and love. I don’t have many answers, but one thing I can promise is that I will tell the truth and say it out loud. Bring your cup of coffee… I’ll meet you there


No need to hurry. It takes time for us to relax enough (especially in front of a camera!) to allow a genuine laugh or expression to come out. That’s what I wait for – the real you to emerge – so I can freeze that moment and hand it back to you so you can see what everyone else sees all the time; just how beautiful you really are. Everyone needs at least one great photoshoot.

Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen. Because true belonging only happens when we present our authentic, imperfect selves to the world, our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self-acceptance.

Brene Brown

Spiritual Life Coaching – Consultation and Process

My goal is to walk with you through places you feel stuck – those cycles you have struggled with and might not even see – to be a looking glass and reflect back to you what I see and hear, to listen and ask questions to help you discover what it is you really think and feel, and to share what I have learned through my own (decades long) healing/unraveling process, and to put tools in your hands to use as you Forward your life.

Before we get started with our first Spiritual Life Coaching session, we will have a discovery call and get to know one another, talk about your goals with coaching and make sure we are a good fit for your process. Trust and safety are foremost with me. Let’s get to know one another.

Dear Reader

Dear Reader, my writing is for you – and it is also for me. My hope is that you find something I say as a comfort or confirmation – or a challenge – it’s good to be challenged every once in a while 🙂 — and if what you read brings up a thought or memory, I would love to hear about it. We need one another’s story, it’s how we get stronger and have the courage to dive deep, take the leap, to hope. I write to connect, build, and teach and sometimes because it’s all I can do to make sense of things. We all have our own process, this is a large part of mine, and it’s my joy to share it with you.

After-all — we’re in this together.

sparrow song photography

So I decided long ago to just go ahead and give up the fight and surrender. I surrender to Love. I get giddy, stupid happy when I have a hand in giving people a glimpse of who they were created to be.

Most of us have no idea how beautiful we are. We have no idea all we hold, what depth of Life and Love we really have to give, and I believe that a picture shows a glimmer of that. It’s in the eyes, in the expression, the emotion… in the moments you catch someone off guard and they laugh – that beautiful, full, free laugh. I can’t help but dance and skip and sing when I take pictures, because I’m so moved at the beauty and power of the people I photograph. It’s my honor. 100%.

Sparrow Song Studios: Night of Songs

Art has the power to render sorrow beautiful, make loneliness a shared experience and transform despair into hope.

Brene Brown

The process of putting emotion to song bypasses our tendency to analyze and shut down our feelings before we express them.
Singing gives us freedom to acknowledge what we think and feel, releasing us from the shame of *Should*.

Night of Songs was born out of a place of yearning. My heart needed something my mind couldn’t grab hold of, so I sat on my back porch in the sunshine with my guitar and a cup of coffee by my side, and I sang… for years. I sang my pain, I sang my longing, I sang my joy and hope and need. And out of that place of unhindered, unscripted song I discovered truth about how I really saw God, the world, myself, and everything in between. And in the process I found God, I found out who I am, and I found healing. 

We meet once a month to sing our hearts out in spontaneous song, spoken word, story telling, poetry, or whatever expression brings your heart to life. Bring your journal and your voice and we will explore and discover together.

My first love is music – it always will be. There is something about the release that happens when you allow your voice to leave your body that is unlike anything else I’ve discovered. Let it Grow Stronger is one of my favorite all time songs I’ve written (and it happens to be my husband’s favorite, too) I wrote it to sing at a dear friend’s wedding – and I wrote it for my love – It is also about the deep intimate connection we can have with God. There is always more to know about the One you love.